Marijuana News

Biden White House still disapproves of marijuana legalization

Biden White House still disapproves of marijuana legalization


While President Joe Biden’s position on marijuana legalization at the federal level hasn’t changed since his 2020 campaign, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is ready to move full-force ahead with legislation that will drastically change our country’s current marijuana laws. Schumer, a staunch proponent for marijuana legalization and law reform, will either bring forth legislation that legalizes marijuana or decriminalizes at the federal level. In his words, the two are the same at the federal level, because decriminalization allows states to legalize. 

Although marijuana isn’t currently decriminalized, states have already moved forward with legalization. Biden, who was the only Democrat in the primary election opposed to full adult recreational marijuana legalization, says that he needs more time and would like to see more research before moving forward. 

Biden has a history in the Senate being tough on drug offenders by introducing some of the most radical drug laws during his tenure.  Currently, he supports legislation to legalize marijuana for medical use, and the decriminalization for possession. Aside from that, Biden will not likely be the President accredited with full legalization. 

Schumer said that he plans to give the Biden White House more time, as marijuana users continue to be imprisoned in states that haven’t even started to decriminalize. If Biden’s administration doesn’t come around, he signaled that he may move forward without their blessing. Vice President Kamala Harris had previously supported marijuana legalization while serving in the Senate, but Schumer hasn’t reached out yet, though he hopes to get her on board. Whether she’ll stand by principle or by the President is yet to be determined. 

Marijuana legalization is sweeping the nation rapidly. More and more states are not only seeing the economic benefits, but also the social benefits of lifting an unwarranted prohibition and allowing their people to live more freely. Marijuana legalization continues in popularity, even though the federal government has remained relatively idle regarding the issue. It’s possible that marijuana will be legalized at the federal level, but first, we have to elect officials who support the cause.   So it looks like it's up to each state to decide if they will allow recreational marijuana dispensaries into their state.


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