Changes to Ohio's OVI laws: Understanding Senate Bill 26.

Ohio is considering making changes to its rules concerning operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI) of marijuana. With the emergence of medical marijuana and potential adult-use cannabis down the road, Ohio is attempting to address concerns regarding driving while high on marijuana.
Senate Bill 26 was proposed by Sen. Nathan Manning, R-North Ridgeville, and seeks to give people the chance to avoid an OVI if they test positive for marijuana, provided they can prove that they were not impaired. This is due to the complexity of understanding how long cannabis remains in the body after consumption.
Under current Ohio law, police do not have roadside tests for marijuana impairment and instead rely on exercises such as standing on one leg. Urine drug tests can detect THC compounds, however, this does not necessarily indicate whether a person was impaired or not at the time of driving.
When it comes to marijuana, the body metabolizes it differently than other substances like alcohol. This means that THC and its metabolites can remain in your system for much longer than alcohol, which is usually eliminated from your body within a few hours. For example, a single use of cannabis typically stays in your system for up to two weeks, while regular users can test positive up to a month after the last use. This creates an issue when determining whether a person is impaired by marijuana or not because the THC in one's system might not be indicative of impairment at the time of driving.
If SB 26 passes, labs would only test for delta-9 THC – the psychoactive component of marijuana – and prosecutors could infer impairment based on a certain level of delta-9 in the body. This has been met with some debate among stakeholders, as there is a desire to prevent driving while impaired regardless of substance.
Ultimately, SB 26 aims to ensure that people are punished for operating a vehicle while under the influence, but not unfairly due to certain levels of drugs in their system. If it is passed, this bill will bring clarity to Ohio's OVI laws and help keep roads safe for everyone.
The proposed legislation has yet to be taken up by lawmakers in the General Assembly, but in its current form, it could significantly alter how Ohio enforces traffic laws related to marijuana use.